11th-12th- Dental Check for Students
15th- No School
17th- Science Fair
60% Day-Release at 12:20​

We are proud to be PBIS model site school and a Leader in Me school!

Attendence Requirements
Students must be at school at least 63% of the school day to be counted as present. For example, if children check in after 10:15 in the morning, they will be counted absent. If they check out before 12:20, they will be counted as absent or any other time combination that equal less than 63% of the day. After 5 unexcused absences, a report will be made with the truancy officer.
Title One
Title One is a program that is designed ensure that children have a fair , equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality eduation. Monies from Title One are used for parental involvement, improve instruction, instructional supplies, and technology for the classrooms.
Contact us
999 Highway 27
Vicksburg, MS 39180
webpage contact Information: