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Leadership is communicating people’s worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves.”

~ Stephen R. Covey 



What is The Leader in Me?


Beechwood  Elementary School  has embraced and implemented The Leader in Me approach in developing a culture of leadership  based on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People® by Stephen Covey.  We are working very hard to intergrate The Leader in Me and the 7 Habits.

Founded on internationally recognized and universal principles, The Leader in Me model emphasizes skills parents, teachers, and business leaders want and students need to be successful in an ever-changing society – skills of accountability, adaptability, initiative, self-direction, responsibility, problem solving, communication and teamwork – and they are taught and developed in our students.

Developing a culture of leadership in our schools is about inspiring children to be leaders of their own lives; it helps them identify their own unique talents and abilities and encourages them to make a positive difference in the world.

The Leader in Me is not a program or a curriculum.  It is an integrated approach to leadership development that will help our school  fulfill its mission and vision to prepare each of our students for success  throughout their time in school and  throughout their career. 

Our Leader in Me Journey


Beechwood  has already embarked on this exciting journey to inspire greatness in all of our students.  

We are .....

  • Creating  a  successful intergation of The Leader in Me and PBIS

  • Creating Successful Leaders

  • Integrating a common language and leadership development approach based on the 7 Habits in every classroom.

  • Implementing  “Lighthouse Leadership Teams” in every class to further develop and implement The Leader in Me Approach.

  • Provided All faculty and staff trained on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People® by Stephen Covey


We Invite You To...


  • Visit The Leader in Me website

  • Read The Leader in Me, 2nd Edition, by Dr. Stephen R. Covey.

  • Ask your child about the 7 Habits.

  • Visit the Sean Covey website for 7 Habits games and activities for kids:

  • Print out the 7 Habits Tree to post on your refrigerator HERE

  • Begin with the End in Mind (Habit #2): Set a goal, track progress and celebrate! Read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families by Dr. Stephen Covey.

  • Model the 7 Habits in your family.

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