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Any students who attend any of the Elementary Schools will dress in the adopted clothing style and

colors. The following standardized dress requirements apply to all students.


South Zone Color Selection North Zone Color Selection

TopsWhite, Red, 

Bottoms: Khaki or Navy Blue Bottoms: Khaki or Navy Blue

Outerwear, Outerwear,

Jackets/Coats: Can be of any color Jackets/Coats: Can be of any color



Acceptable tops are long or short sleeved, collared, or turtlenecks. Shirts must be tucked inside pants or

skirts with belts showing, no blousing.

No T-shirts worn as tops. Tops must be of appropriate size.


Acceptable bottoms are pants/slacks, shorts, skorts, skirts, and jumpers. Skirts, shorts, and jumpers may

be pleated or non-pleated. No baggy, sagging, cargo, denim, holes, frays, jogging pants, rolled up pants,

spandex, sweats, biker pants, or nylon material. Bottoms that were manufactured to be worn with belts

shall be worn with belts properly affixed.


Acceptable outerwear is cardigan, crew neck or V-neck vest or zippered sweaters. Sweatshirts, sweaters,

or light-weight jackets no more than one size too big or one size too small may be worn. An appropriate

top must be worn under the outerwear. Outerwear may be worn in the classroom.


Acceptable jackets/coats will have no pictures depicting group affiliation, drugs, alcohol or obscenities.


Athletic shoes are acceptable. No house slippers, beach shoes, shower shoes, flip-flops, high/spike

heels, heels, platform shoes, or sandals without backs are allowed. Shoes must be a matching pair. No

shoes with rollers will be allowed.


ï‚· Caps/kerchiefs, bandanas, do-rags, head wraps, stocking caps or head bands

ï‚· are not allowed.

ï‚· Hats and scarves are not to be worn in the building.

ï‚· No combs, picks, brushes or curlers in hair are allowed.

ï‚· No medallions/necklaces worn outside shirt.

ï‚· Key chains should not be visible.

ï‚· No jewelry with drug, alcohol, or violence-related information is allowed.

ï‚· Hair must be a natural human hair color.

ï‚· Socks should be a solid color and no taller than calf-length.

ï‚· Make-up is not to be worn to school.

Spirit Day

Club shirts or school logo shirts may be worn on Spirit Day. The school principal may modify the

dress on Spirit Day and must notify parents regarding the modifications.

General Guidelines

a. Pants must fit at the waist and be no more than one size too big or one size too small. Shorts,

skirts, skorts, and jumpers should be no shorter than 3" above the top of the knee.

b. Bottoms will be made of cotton, cotton blends, corduroy or synthetic fibers. No jeans, sweats, or

spandex clothing are to be worn.

c. Clothing and outerwear must be free of distracting logos.

d. Students may not wear basketball shorts or similar trousers except during field day or other such

school-sponsored events.

e. Appropriate undergarments of correct size must be worn at all times

f. The principal will announce if there are special occasions, like Field Day or Spirit Day, when

other clothing may be worn. Otherwise, school uniforms will be worn every school day. All

clothing, especially shorts and pants, should fit appropriately.

Created By Beechwood Elementary School 2015-2016

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